Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A visitor on an autumn day


  1. Cute baby feet and a lady bug!? It does NOT get any better than that!!!!! :)

  2. Your bucket list reads just like mine! I am absolutely desperate to go to Bhutan. Last year I taught myself letterpress and screenprinting and I'm going to a bookbinding course later in the year! Tickled. You've absolutely made my day!

    Can't wait to hear how you are getting along with your list.

  3. Two Tuesdays - I'm taught yourself letterpress and screen printing?! How brilliant are you! Where are you doing your bookbinding course?

    Attacking my bucket list isn't going too well. I've got a book to try to experiment with some screen printing and have started with my attempt at writing a children's book (all attempts so far have landed in the bin!) but first of all I need to finish some of my sewing projects before I can dive into anything else!
